Initial columns
The initial columns callback let you provide initial columns associated to each problem ahead the optimization. This callback is useful when you have an efficient heuristic that finds feasible solutions to the problem. You can then extract columns from the solutions and give them to Coluna through the callback. You have to make sure the columns you provide are feasible because Coluna won't check their feasibility. The cost of the columns will be computed using the perennial cost of subproblem variables.
Let us see an example with the following generalized assignment problem :
M = 1:3;
J = 1:5;
c = [1 1 1 1 1; 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1; 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.4];
Q = [3, 2, 3];
with the following Coluna configuration
using JuMP, GLPK, BlockDecomposition, Coluna;
coluna = optimizer_with_attributes(
"params" => Coluna.Params(
solver = Coluna.Algorithm.TreeSearchAlgorithm() # default branch-cut-and-price
"default_optimizer" => GLPK.Optimizer # GLPK for the master & the subproblems
for which the JuMP model takes the form:
@axis(M_axis, M);
model = BlockModel(coluna);
@variable(model, x[m in M_axis, j in J], Bin);
@constraint(model, cov[j in J], sum(x[m, j] for m in M_axis) >= 1);
@constraint(model, knp[m in M_axis], sum(x[m, j] for j in J) <= Q[m]);
@objective(model, Min, sum(c[m, j] * x[m, j] for m in M_axis, j in J));
@dantzig_wolfe_decomposition(model, decomposition, M_axis)
subproblems = getsubproblems(decomposition)
specify!.(subproblems, lower_multiplicity = 0, upper_multiplicity = 1)
3-element Vector{Nothing}:
Let's consider that the following assignment patterns are good candidates:
machine1 = [[1,2,4], [1,3,4], [2,3,4], [2,3,5]];
machine2 = [[1,2], [1,5], [2,5], [3,4]];
machine3 = [[1,2,3], [1,3,4], [1,3,5], [2,3,4]];
initial_columns = [machine1, machine2, machine3];
We can write the initial columns callback:
function initial_columns_callback(cbdata)
# Retrieve the index of the subproblem (it will be one of the values in M_axis)
spid = BlockDecomposition.callback_spid(cbdata, model)
println("initial columns callback $spid")
# Retrieve assignment patterns of a given machine
for col in initial_columns[spid]
# Create the column in the good representation
vars = [x[spid, j] for j in col]
vals = [1.0 for _ in col]
# Submit the column
MOI.submit(model, BlockDecomposition.InitialColumn(cbdata), vars, vals)
initial_columns_callback (generic function with 1 method)
The initial columns callback is a function. It takes as argument cbdata
which is a data structure that allows the user to interact with Coluna within the callback.
We provide the initial columns callback to Coluna through the following method:
MOI.set(model, BlockDecomposition.InitialColumnsCallback(), initial_columns_callback)
You can then optimize:
Version 0.8.1 |
initial columns callback 3
initial columns callback 2
initial columns callback 1
**** B&B tree root node
**** Local DB = -Inf, global bounds: [ -Inf , Inf ], time = 0.38 sec.
<st= 1> <it= 1> <et= 0.38> <mst= 0.00> <sp= 0.00> <cols= 3> <al= 0.00> <DB= -5.3000> <mlp= 5.2000> <PB=Inf>
<st= 1> <it= 2> <et= 0.38> <mst= 0.00> <sp= 0.00> <cols= 3> <al= 0.00> <DB= 4.9500> <mlp= 5.2000> <PB=Inf>
[ Info: Improving primal solution with value 5.1 is found during column generation
<st= 1> <it= 3> <et= 0.38> <mst= 0.00> <sp= 0.00> <cols= 0> <al= 0.00> <DB= 5.1000> <mlp= 5.1000> <PB=5.1000>
Time Allocations
─────────────────────── ────────────────────────
Tot / % measured: 1.47s / 26.0% 149MiB / 31.3%
Section ncalls time %tot avg alloc %tot avg
Coluna 1 381ms 100.0% 381ms 46.7MiB 100.0% 46.7MiB
SolveLpForm 3 449μs 0.1% 150μs 148KiB 0.3% 49.5KiB
[ Info: Terminated
[ Info: Primal bound: 5.1
[ Info: Dual bound: 5.1
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